Thursday, September 10, 2015

Let's Get Physical

There are so many ways to get physical - meaning: exercise/activity

Stretch Your Body
When it comes to being active in a busy place like "Cowtown" Alberta; with so many priorities on-the-go, staying motivated enough to actually work-out can be tough if you're not strict with yourself.
We work full-time in Alberta. Some of us even have a part-time job to go to later.

If we think about how many hours a week we participate in physical activity most of us will probably be embarrassed. And we should be. How can we forget to exercise the biggest part of ourselves?

Our Body Is A Temple
If you haven't heard this before you might want to come out from that rock you've been hiding under and catch some sun. The problems we face with "not having the time" to work out are surreal - meaning: bogus/bullshit.

If we want our bodies to treat us well long into our futures we must remember to MOVE.

Exercising Shouldn't Be a "Work-Out"
OK...maybe I didn't say that in the best way possible but the point I'm trying to make is simple: Exercise doesn't need to be something you have to go out of your way to complete.

Here are three ways you can be active without making sacrifices:

1. Wake up and JUMP!
Yes... when you wake up in the morning and before you do anything else, do 30 jumping jacks. You might even get so used to them that you'll want to do 50 instead; maybe 100.

2. PUSH-UPS before a shower!
I know what you're thinking...I can't even do A PUSH-UP and I'm supposed to do them before every shower? You don't have to do 20 push-ups, or even 10. But think about doing a few before hopping into the shower and just see how your body reacts after just two weeks.

3. STRETCH yourself to sleep!
There should be no excuses here - stretching is the easiest thing you can do to keep your body active. Before you go to sleep: bend over, touch your toes, stretch your legs and arms. Thank your body for being agile and promise to jump around in the morning.

Bonus Tip: s-e-x

What do you think is the easiest way to stay active? Help us out by leaving a tip in the Comments section below.

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