Thursday, August 6, 2015

Why Play Slow-pitch Softball?

Being part of a team is a pretty cool thing.
I learned this years ago when my mom enrolled me in fast-pitch softball.
FREEZE - Frozen Girls Softball Team

For all my life I had been a competitor in dance and I enjoyed the physical part and the competitive aspects as well but there wasn't a feeling of really being part of something bigger unless it was competition day or recital night, and the group of us were all up there on stage performing our little hearts out. I loved dance but once I started playing softball I realized how cool it is to be on a team.

When everyone has to be alert, eyes on the ball and ready for the play it's a mental strength as well as a physical effort. Playing fastpitch taught me team spirit and togetherness and skill but playing slo-pitch in Calgary after years of tough competition is one of my most anticipated social gatherings.

The Benefits of Playing Softball...

Whether it's once, twice or three times a week, being active for at least thirty minutes is enough to remind us how important physical activity is.

In slow-pitch softball it's often quick bursts of energy that are required of you.
The game of baseball is fairly mental and so our reaction time and reflex skills are constantly being developed.  
What else? Our short-term memory improves. After a while it becomes second-nature to move over more to right field when a left-handed batter comes up to the plate. We also remember the guy in the yellow short-shorts usually hits between second and first, so we're ready the next time.

Communication is another skill we develop while playing softball because there's nothing worse than two players colliding in the field trying to catch the same ball at the same time.

Remember friends: TEAMWORK. 
It's all fun for the most part but nobody actually wants to lose...and having it in you to play a role on a team looks really good on you!!

One of the best skills the sport of softball teaches us by far has to do with being social. The ability to not lose your cool is a failrly common trait among slowpitch players.
Because we play hard FOR FUN. 

And of course we also increase our Vitamin D intake playing outdoors.

Here's why I play. What about you?

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