Monday, September 21, 2015

Why Slowpitch? Because.

Softball Calgary
There are a few good reasons to play slopitch softball in your spare time.

The name kind of gives away the first and best excuse to play. "Slow-"pitch...

You're athleticism doesn't have to be top-notch to play slowpitch, and in Calgary it's not uncommon to see moms or dads bringing their little ones along to the diamond. This just shows you that it's one activity you can make time for even with children.

The next great thing about playing slowpitch is being allowed to hit and run. This is something totally illegal in any other circumstances. (Whereas in softball it's entirely expected of you.)

Also: stealing is allowed in softball, depending on your league's rules.

One of the best things about slowpitch... 

is the chance to learn to play each and every position. 

There are 10 players on the field during play in slowpitch softball.

The Catcher and Pitcher have a pretty special bond since they toss the balls back and forth to each other quite a bit. First Base is usually played by someone who is taller than average height and/or has limitations with movement. Second, Third and Short-Stop players in softball CANNOT BE AFRAID of the ball; this is primarily because the infield sees a lot of action. 
Unlike baseball and fastpitch softball in slowpitch softball there are four people in the outfield: Left-field, Centre-field, Right-field and a Rover. 
The "Rover" generally moves between Left and Centre & Centre and Right field. 

Outfield Positions in Slowpitch:

When a left-handed batter is up at the plate you'll typically see the Rover move over towards right field; alternatively, players will position themselves equally four-across in the outfield to provide better coverage.

Playing slowpitch is about teamwork, being social and above all: having fun. You don't have to be the best hitter if you can just get yourself on base each time you go up to bat. And it's no problem if you don't have laser arms that throw a hundred yards because your teammates are there to help you get the ball where you want it to go.

There are way more reasons to play slowpitch softball. Help us out by adding to this list in the Comments section below!

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