Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Reason This Blog Exists.

I was born twenty-odd years ago to two people who fell madly (I mean that literally) in love with each other. For about ten years I was a dancer. Starting out at a small studio in the same shopping complex as my grandmother's hair salon, I would stuff my legs into nylons multiple nights a week and tap and jazz my little heart out. My very first dance routine was to the song, Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini.

I'll admit I enjoyed taking dance lessons. Not ballet though - hell no. But there was something imaginative about dressing up; sewing sequins on your own costumes and gluing on false eyelashes. We were putting on a show; a recital, and it had to be rehearsed a thousand times before to get it just right. And then we were judged on our physical appearance and our synchronicity if we were dancing in a group. We earned points for rhythm and musicality and bigger smiles. Dancing was competitive.

I quit dancing when I was old enough to realize it wasn't the competition I craved. What I craved was dancing and I didn't feel like being marked on whether or not I was doing it right. So after some convincing my mother allowed me to hang up my tights.

When High School happened I was very much looking forward to joining clubs and becoming a member of new teams. At my school there wasn't a whole lot of options for sports; basketball, volleyball, rugby, cross-country, badminton or field hockey if you were a female. I did love badminton and played throughout junior high and high school but I soon joined a fastpitch softball team outside of school. Here is where I fell in love with the sport of baseball.

A lot of people don't like baseball. They say it's boring to watch and hardly fun to play. Um..OK? If you think smacking a ball with an aluminum bat for people to chase down is hardly fun then you might want to try playing soccer. Baseball or Softball is as much a mental game as it is physical. I love that the game offers players the chance to work together and to challenge themselves individually.

The problem with softball is: it's not considered "a sport".
You won't find a game during the Summer Olympics.
Slow-pitch Softball especially is known as a leisure activity for recreational purpose only. But if we want to get involved we usually need to have a team because most players have been sipping beers and smacking softballs for years already.

Slo-pitch Softball in Calgary has grown immensely and the reason this blog exists is so that slowpitch players all over the city can gather and relate and share experiences.
Slowpitch Softball Shirt

Maybe you're looking for a team to join or you'd just like to know where to go to catch a game. For Calgary, The Slow-pitch Blog will give you access to information like this; as well as tips and tricks for being a better softball player.

Have any questions? Ask them in the Comments section below!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Why Slowpitch? Because.

Softball Calgary
There are a few good reasons to play slopitch softball in your spare time.

The name kind of gives away the first and best excuse to play. "Slow-"pitch...

You're athleticism doesn't have to be top-notch to play slowpitch, and in Calgary it's not uncommon to see moms or dads bringing their little ones along to the diamond. This just shows you that it's one activity you can make time for even with children.

The next great thing about playing slowpitch is being allowed to hit and run. This is something totally illegal in any other circumstances. (Whereas in softball it's entirely expected of you.)

Also: stealing is allowed in softball, depending on your league's rules.

One of the best things about slowpitch... 

is the chance to learn to play each and every position. 

There are 10 players on the field during play in slowpitch softball.

The Catcher and Pitcher have a pretty special bond since they toss the balls back and forth to each other quite a bit. First Base is usually played by someone who is taller than average height and/or has limitations with movement. Second, Third and Short-Stop players in softball CANNOT BE AFRAID of the ball; this is primarily because the infield sees a lot of action. 
Unlike baseball and fastpitch softball in slowpitch softball there are four people in the outfield: Left-field, Centre-field, Right-field and a Rover. 
The "Rover" generally moves between Left and Centre & Centre and Right field. 

Outfield Positions in Slowpitch:

When a left-handed batter is up at the plate you'll typically see the Rover move over towards right field; alternatively, players will position themselves equally four-across in the outfield to provide better coverage.

Playing slowpitch is about teamwork, being social and above all: having fun. You don't have to be the best hitter if you can just get yourself on base each time you go up to bat. And it's no problem if you don't have laser arms that throw a hundred yards because your teammates are there to help you get the ball where you want it to go.

There are way more reasons to play slowpitch softball. Help us out by adding to this list in the Comments section below!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Have A Nice Day in Calgary

Calgary, Alberta is a place with a lot of energy.
The top five things to note about YYC:

  1. The Greatest Outdoor Show On Earth (Calgary Stampede)
  2. Heritage Park Historical Village
  3. City of Calgary Pathway Systems
  4. The Military Museum
  5. WinSport's Canada Olympic Park (COP)

To expand on these a bit...

The annual event where ladies and gents gear up in their denim and boots to take in ten days of midway action. You'll find a rodeo and chuck-wagons and performances of all sorts - plus rides, plenty of games and gambling. 

Heritage Park is a place to enjoy history.

The city of Calgary is known to have wonderful pathways for cycling and walking. It is rated #2 of 262 things to do in the city, according to Trip Advisor.

The Military Museum located in Calgary, Alberta will let you discover victories, tragedies and sacrifices of the Canadian Armed Forces. The stories of many individuals are told.

A not-for-profit organization, WinSport is a one-of-its-kind winter sports facility.
Frank McCool Athletic Park Calgary Alberta

Bonus fact about Calgary: we love our baseball diamonds.

There are NUMEROUS ball diamonds in the city of Calgary and that is another great thing about it. You can rent an athletic park in Calgary for outdoor activities or tournaments. Residential communities within Calgary very commonly have baseball diamonds available for use and getting out to play catch is an easy way to Have A Nice Day in Calgary.

Live in Calgary?
Share your favourite things to do & see in the Comments section below.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Let's Get Physical

There are so many ways to get physical - meaning: exercise/activity

Stretch Your Body
When it comes to being active in a busy place like "Cowtown" Alberta; with so many priorities on-the-go, staying motivated enough to actually work-out can be tough if you're not strict with yourself.
We work full-time in Alberta. Some of us even have a part-time job to go to later.

If we think about how many hours a week we participate in physical activity most of us will probably be embarrassed. And we should be. How can we forget to exercise the biggest part of ourselves?

Our Body Is A Temple
If you haven't heard this before you might want to come out from that rock you've been hiding under and catch some sun. The problems we face with "not having the time" to work out are surreal - meaning: bogus/bullshit.

If we want our bodies to treat us well long into our futures we must remember to MOVE.

Exercising Shouldn't Be a "Work-Out"
OK...maybe I didn't say that in the best way possible but the point I'm trying to make is simple: Exercise doesn't need to be something you have to go out of your way to complete.

Here are three ways you can be active without making sacrifices:

1. Wake up and JUMP!
Yes... when you wake up in the morning and before you do anything else, do 30 jumping jacks. You might even get so used to them that you'll want to do 50 instead; maybe 100.

2. PUSH-UPS before a shower!
I know what you're thinking...I can't even do A PUSH-UP and I'm supposed to do them before every shower? You don't have to do 20 push-ups, or even 10. But think about doing a few before hopping into the shower and just see how your body reacts after just two weeks.

3. STRETCH yourself to sleep!
There should be no excuses here - stretching is the easiest thing you can do to keep your body active. Before you go to sleep: bend over, touch your toes, stretch your legs and arms. Thank your body for being agile and promise to jump around in the morning.

Bonus Tip: s-e-x

What do you think is the easiest way to stay active? Help us out by leaving a tip in the Comments section below.