Monday, October 5, 2015

Warm Up Before Softball

When it comes to any type of physical activity it's important to stretch your muscles and get your blood pumping and ready to move beforehand.

For some, stretching in addition to a workout is an added bonus. Others may not consider it at all - because the thought of doing a mini-workout before your actual workout sounds exhausting? Yes.
But it turns out when and how you stretch your muscles can have an effect on your fitness goals.

Why Stretch Before a Workout?

1. to improve performance
2. in an attempt to avoid injury

Stretching correctly will increase your flexibility and reduce your risk of injury.

The BaseHead Advice:

If you're looking to improve your performance in a game and want to avoid pulling a muscle or overexerting yourself, perform simple yet dynamic stretches before you workout.

Example Workout:
  1. 45 High-Knees
  2. 2 Minute Plank
  3. 150 Jumping Jacks
  4. 50 Push-ups (or as many as you can manage)
  5. 45 Butt-Kicks
  6. 60 Mountain Climbers
  7. 30 Squats
You can also visit this link for tips on How To Stretch, with pictures.

Have a solid stretching regimen you want to share? 
Reply via the Comments section below!

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